Video index
1. Resolution 2022-46, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title III, Administration, Chapter 33, Fire Department.
2. Resolution 2022-47, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title III, Administration, Chapter 36, Recreation Department.
3. Resolution 2022-48, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title XVII, Land Development Code.
4. Resolution 2022-49, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title XVII, Land Development Code, Chapter 171, Fair Share Impact Fees.
5. Resolution 2022-50, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, for specified chapters and sections therein.
6. Resolution 2022-51, adopting Classification and Pay Plans and Position Control Plan for Employees of the City of Palm Bay for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
7. Resolution 2022-52, adopting the Five-Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027.
8. Resolution 2022-53, declaring critical need funding for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, in accordance with Section 6.01, Taxes, of the City Charter, resulting in Ad Valorem Property Tax Operating Millage Rate in excess of the 3.0% cap rate.
9. Resolution 2022-54, approving the millage rate and debt millage rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
10. Consideration of departmental travel and training for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
Sep 21, 2022 Council Meetings - Special
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Resolution 2022-46, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title III, Administration, Chapter 33, Fire Department.
2. Resolution 2022-47, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title III, Administration, Chapter 36, Recreation Department.
3. Resolution 2022-48, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title XVII, Land Development Code.
4. Resolution 2022-49, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Title XVII, Land Development Code, Chapter 171, Fair Share Impact Fees.
5. Resolution 2022-50, establishing fees, rates, and charges pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, for specified chapters and sections therein.
6. Resolution 2022-51, adopting Classification and Pay Plans and Position Control Plan for Employees of the City of Palm Bay for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
7. Resolution 2022-52, adopting the Five-Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027.
8. Resolution 2022-53, declaring critical need funding for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, in accordance with Section 6.01, Taxes, of the City Charter, resulting in Ad Valorem Property Tax Operating Millage Rate in excess of the 3.0% cap rate.
9. Resolution 2022-54, approving the millage rate and debt millage rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
10. Consideration of departmental travel and training for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
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