1. Three (3) vacancies on the Community Development Advisory Board (represents ‘for-profit provider’, ‘actively engaged in home building’, and ‘employer within the City’.++
2. One (1) vacancy on the Youth Advisory Board (represents youth board member ‘at-large’ position).++
3. Four (4) vacancies on the Disaster Relief Committee.++
4. One (1) vacancy on the Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee (represents ‘at-large’ position).+
There will be no separate discussion on those items listed under Consent Agenda (indicated with asterisks(*)). They will be enacted by the City Council on one motion. If discussion is desired by the City Council, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda by Council and will be considered in the order that it appears on the agenda.
1. Ordinance 2020-06, amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 93, Real Property Nuisances, Subchapter ‘Unsightly and Unsanitary Conditions’ by modifying provisions contained therein, final reading.
2. Ordinance 2020-20, amending Ordinance 2019-68, which amended the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 178, Signs, by eliminating the time limit provisions related to the display of temporary signs (Case T-5-2020, City of Palm Bay), final reading.
*1. “Cooperative Purchase’, Caterpillar diesel generator, Fire Station 5 (Sourcewell contract) – Fire Department (Ring Power - $71,268).
*2. ‘Cooperative Purchase’, replacement vehicles (Florida Sheriffs Association contract) – Public Works Department (Duval Ford - $177,815); authorize appropriation from General Fund.
*3. Biosolids transportation and disposal, North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, purchasing authority – Utilities Department (H&H Liquid Sludge Disposal, Inc. – increase of $85,000).
1. Appointment of two (2) members to the Police and Firefighters’ Retirement Pension Plan, Board of Trustees (represents one (1) Councilmember and one (1) resident).
1. Three (3) vacancies on the Community Development Advisory Board (represents ‘for-profit provider’, ‘actively engaged in home building’, and ‘employer within the City’.++
2. One (1) vacancy on the Youth Advisory Board (represents youth board member ‘at-large’ position).++
3. Four (4) vacancies on the Disaster Relief Committee.++
4. One (1) vacancy on the Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee (represents ‘at-large’ position).+
There will be no separate discussion on those items listed under Consent Agenda (indicated with asterisks(*)). They will be enacted by the City Council on one motion. If discussion is desired by the City Council, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda by Council and will be considered in the order that it appears on the agenda.
1. Ordinance 2020-06, amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 93, Real Property Nuisances, Subchapter ‘Unsightly and Unsanitary Conditions’ by modifying provisions contained therein, final reading.
2. Ordinance 2020-20, amending Ordinance 2019-68, which amended the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 178, Signs, by eliminating the time limit provisions related to the display of temporary signs (Case T-5-2020, City of Palm Bay), final reading.
*1. “Cooperative Purchase’, Caterpillar diesel generator, Fire Station 5 (Sourcewell contract) – Fire Department (Ring Power - $71,268).
*2. ‘Cooperative Purchase’, replacement vehicles (Florida Sheriffs Association contract) – Public Works Department (Duval Ford - $177,815); authorize appropriation from General Fund.
*3. Biosolids transportation and disposal, North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, purchasing authority – Utilities Department (H&H Liquid Sludge Disposal, Inc. – increase of $85,000).
1. Appointment of two (2) members to the Police and Firefighters’ Retirement Pension Plan, Board of Trustees (represents one (1) Councilmember and one (1) resident).